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Soplador de transporte T855RS
Modelo: T855RS
Aplicaciones: Pneumatic Conveying, Bulk Unloading/Loading, Stationary Packages
Vacío máximo: 18 pulg Hg
Tuthill’s T855 and T1055 transport blowers are designed for the loading and unloading of cement, powders, crushed limestone, sand, and granular materials. They offer customers:
- Reduced offload times and net fuel consumption
- Ability to operate at slower speeds with quieter runs
- Optional adaptor plate allows for easy mounting to most existing vertical L-shape brackets
- Yearly operational savings of over $3,000*
*Savings per truck, based on dry cement hauling field test performed in 2020
- Patent pending technology
- Optional adaptor plate
- IP69K rated breathers
- Larger bearings
- Simple design
- Patent pending technology
- Optional adaptor plate
- IP69K rated breathers
- Larger bearings
- Simple design